Hmmm..... what is my next plan for next year? Or maybe 5 years? Or even 10 years later from now?. Hey mates, guess what? You are not alone. Thinking about the future has to be built from now. Some people already have future thinking and plan what to do next but on the other hand, there are a lot of people who don't have a future plan. So we may say the future is full of mystery. Start it now or it will be late later. However, there are several things we could do to make ourselves think about the future. Forget about predictions. If we have somebody who could predict the future, don't try to believe them. Nobody could predict the massive world we have and what exactly these are going to look like. If somebody predicts the future, it means they focus on one particular event or point. Motivate us to achieve our goals but in addition, if we do it right. The research has found that positive thinking about our future can backfire. Be professional, don't let your mind
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