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Showing posts from April, 2023


     Schizophrenia is a group term for a variety of psychotic reactions defined by affect, withdrawal from life's emotional upheavals, and depending on the type, affective symptoms. These include delusions, aggressive degeneration, aggressive behavior, and hallucinations. Schizophrenia patients frequently struggle to tell what is genuine from what is not. Schizophrenia sufferers typically struggle with rational thought, emotional restraint, and interpersonal interaction.     Because the majority of Indonesian continue to believe that mental health issues are caused by irrational or supernatural things such as being possessed by demons, being possessed by evil spirits, breaking customary laws, and so on, the stigma surrounding psychiatric issues persists in Indonesia. Because of this stigma, some individuals choose non-medical forms of treatment (spiritual experts).    This psychiatric condition was initially differentiated into five categories. Nevertheless, in 2013, a specialist f


    Self-improvement is something we seem to struggle with, whether we realize it or not. Maybe we don’t know fully, but we are all subconsciously aware of our own flaws, some are our fault, and some are not.   At its core, self-improvement is about becoming a better version of ourselves. This can manifest in a variety of ways, from developing new skills and habits to addressing areas of our personality that we would like to change. However, before we can begin this journey, we must first ask ourselves: what does it mean to be a better version of ourselves?   While the specifics of what it means to live a virtuous life may vary from person to person, there are some common threads that run through many philosophical traditions.   One important aspect of self-improvement is developing self-awareness. This means taking the time to reflect on our thoughts, emotions, and actions in order to better understand ourselves. Self-awareness can help us identify areas where we may need to imp

Princess Sickness

    Back in the time when the little girl loves to watch princess stories such as Cinderella or Snow white are the all-time favourite fairytale characters. With their pretty dresses and Prince charming coming to their rescue, they strike a chord with little girls who live in their own-believe world. However, these fantasy fairytales send out a dangerous message to their readers.    They take various forms of princess titles, from the traditional tiara-topped beauty to spoilt teenage girls sporting a princess attitude, or local girls making it good with fairytale weddings. From real life to fantasy, tiaras, and titles are everywhere. Known as Princess syndrome.   The concept of the princess tale is not new. The term may not be found in medical books but a girl who suffers from Princess Syndrome focuses on all things pretty and nice. According to her, she is the centre of the universe and is obsessed with her looks. It is commonly seen in young girls till adolescence but if she does not